In a country where resources are limited and the basic necessities of life are not easily accessible to most, women’s needs are often the last to be met. Women’s health is not just an outcome of biological, physiological and pathological status, but is also complexly impacted by economic, social, and cultural factors. The secondary status of women in Indian society can be measurably seen in persistently high maternal mortality rates, low educational levels, limited freedom of speech and participation in society, the practice of child marriage, and generally poor health outcomes for women. In Rajasthan especially, traditional practices such as dowry and sati violate women’s human rights. trict division between the roles of men and women in society persists today. The persistence of the problem has much to do with the fact that most of these harmful customs are deeply rooted in the tradition and culture of society. Prayas is committed to overturning these socially entrenched values through a number of campaigns dedicated to raising awareness about the issues surrounding gender and working to increase the availability educational and health resources for women.